Thursday, May 13, 2010

New Life in Ecuador

Wow, I looked at the date of my last post and shrieked, "Where did the time go?"

Life (as I knew it) has changed drastically! We are moving to Cuenca, Ecuador to retire (well...sort of). Mark will be retired (taking afternoon siestas) and I will still be writing. I think my next novel should be, "Live, Eat, Pray and Laugh" because these last few months have been filled with a lot of that!

Our youngest son gets married on May 30, 2010 and we leave for Ecuador on June 3, 2010. Jon and Kim leave for their Jamaican honeymoon and we leave for our "forever" Ecuadorian honeymoon. The decision to retire in Ecuador was easy: cost of living, climate (perpetual spring 50 to 70 degrees year round), the people, the awesome landscape (Andes mountains), and the fact that we didn't want to retire and do the "normal" thing!

It's been an adventure thus far, but I wouldn't suggest: selling a house, packing, finishing a book, and planning a wedding all at the same time. Our house sold in two weeks (for which we are grateful). We are bringing only four suitcases with us (two a piece). We have a furnished condo awaiting us on the other side!

My books, Moms of Sons and Coffee Lover's Devotions to Go are with the publisher and I am awaiting their release. They withheld Moms of Sons until I get settled in Ecuador. The great thing about being a can do it anywhere in the world.

So this isn't goodbye...just hasta luego (for now). If you want to follow our adeventure you can "tune" into:

Living Life Passionately,


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