Saturday, January 24, 2009


Desperate times call for desperate measures. I have re-evaluated my life and I am simplifying! I took a hard look at all I'm doing between now and when we move to California and realized, there's not enough "me" to go around.

I've cleared my calendar of all unnecessary stuff (that was hard!) and here's what I came up with for the next six months:

1. Make "me" a priority. I will go to the gym faithfully (every morning--no excuses!). Four more pounds to reach my goal weight (the home stretch is in sight). No peeking at e-mail until I return from the gym (period!).
2. Preparations for our move to California which also includes cleaning, packing, sorting and throwing away the non-essentials (one drawer, one closet, one file cabinet at a time).
3. Blog only twice a week and disable comments for the next three months (a temporary meaure).
4. Speaking engagements, no more than twice a month until moving preparations are complete.
5. Writing days (two full days per week), until the book "Moms of Sons" is done. Publisher due date: September 2009.
6. Spa days (once a month). I have a certificate from October 2008 that I haven't even used yet (and the last time I checked, we're in 2009).
7. Freelance work (two articles per week--no more!).
8. Date night reinstituted (once a week) or more as needed.
9. E-book on mentoring (to be completed by August 2009).
10. Try to figure out what to do with our cat Bianca. Do we bring her with us to California or do we find a loving home for her in Pennsylvania?

Newsflash: I changed my blog address to because I thought it was more simple than That's progress, don't you think? And I changed the color back to white (pure simplicity). It helps me to think in clean lines.

Wow, I feel like a new person. This week the mold remediation people are coming to clean our basement and maybe I won't have to wear my "gas" mask when I venture into the basement. I just happen to be in the 15 percent of people who are allergic to mold.

Here's to living simply again!

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