Friday, January 05, 2007

A Portrait in the Sky!

The other night I was coming home and saw this beautiful sight: layers of sky, moon, and a landscape from the "Tuscan Sun." I'm passionate about taking pictures, which is why I "always" keep a disposable camera in the glove compartment of the car. I swerved off the side of the road, ran into a newly manured field to take this shot. (I later had to throw those shoes away, but it was worth it!) I am a sunset watcher only because I don't see the sun "rise" that often, but now I'm a moon watcher!

Living Life Passionately,



Anonymous said...

Stunning picture! You should add it to your card collection!

Happy New Year my friend!

Susan Kelly Skitt

Connie Pombo said...

Thanks, Susan, for your comment. I guess I will add it to my collection of cards--it's certainly a favorite of mine now!

