Tuesday, January 31, 2006

"Roses--what would my life be without them--whether a single rosebud or an entire bouquet, they have transformed my life."

Ten years ago after being diagnosed with cancer, I never thought that a "rose" would change my life, but each day brings more roses--ones I never expected, including the book, Trading Ashes for Roses, my gift to anyone hurting from life's tragedies, pain and loss. Through my cancer journey, I discovered my passion--speaking and writing. That list of 27 things I wanted to do before I died is now complete--it's time to start a new one!

What's keeping you back from realizing your passions? Take some time to reflect on what it is you have always wanted to do, but didn't because there wasn't enough time. Well...there's no time like this present moment.

To help you get started, check out the last chapter of Trading Ashes for Roses and begin your journey of living the passionate life.

Blessings on this remarkable journey!

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