Yesterday I crossed over a bridge…I celebrated my 52nd birthday…one I thought I would never see. After a cancer diagnosis at age 40, I have learned to celebrate the preciousness of life. While my peers lament the fact that they are growing older, more out of shape, and counting gray hairs and wrinkles, I’m profoundly thankful to be alive and pursuing my passion.
One of the things I’m most passionate about is speaking to cancer survivors because they “get it.” We understand what’s important in life, we cherish the moments in between birthdays, and we pray for many more.
Yesterday, my husband asked me what I wanted to do on my birthday and my response was to “LIVE THIS THING CALLED LIFE.” I can’t do it alone—I need God, my friends, and my family.
Read more of my thoughts on Boomer Babes Rock about “This Thing Called LIFE!”
P.S. A great birthday gift came from Dotsie Bregel, founder of NABBW (National Association of Boomer Babe Women), who reviewed my book Trading Ashes for Roses: From Pain to Passion in her monthly newsletter. You can read about it here.
Reviewed by Dotsie Bregel, Connie carefully traipses you through her cancer storm with honesty and a deep sense of spirituality that immediately makes you want her as your role model should you ever be diagnosed with cancer. While it must have been a horrendous venture, she gently unravels the bad and the good in a way that makes you trust you'd have the courage to follow in her footsteps if ever necessary. Should you know someone with a cancer diagnosis, this is the book for both you and them. In addition to sharing her perspective of what it's like to be the patient, she genuinely offers appropriate suggestions for caregivers to understand suitable ways of treating their loved ones with a similar diagnosis. She offers an attitude that may allow them to approach the disease from a healthy perspective while telling you the best actions and words to offer them. Connie also sells lovely baskets jam packed with goodies of hope for cancer survivors and caregivers at most reasonable prices and ships anywhere in the country. Each basket contains all kinds of pleasantries that any woman will appreciate. I've already sent two and the recipients were most grateful. I highly recommend anyone with a cancer diagnosis, or a loved one with the same, to visit Connie online at . I have a feeling you'll make a new friend.
Hope you had a wonderful birthday. Enjoyed your post. You will have to see the Angel I seen in the sky on my
post about my mission trip to the Dominican Republic.
Thanks for dropping by after your awesome trip to the Dominican Republic...I just visited your site. The pictures you took were phenomenal...really! I think I said, "angel in coffee" instead of "sky." But you know what I meant?!?! I must have coffee on the brain!
Welcome Home!
Happy belated birthday Connie! Your bday is the same as my dh's. Did you see his birthday post on my blog?
Are you sure about the skydiving one? I was so convinced I would love, love skydiving that when I took a simulated dive and didn’t like it, it didn’t register. I mean, I had been dreaming about it for so long! The second dive, I was thinking, “what am I doing? I hate this.” The wind was so strong I could barely breathe, my contacts were sucked onto my eyelids like saran wrap (even with the goggles) and my suit was hanging onto my frame because it was the only one tall enough. Definitely not my cup of joe. I was so glad it was a simulator – I couldn’t get out fast enough.
Thanks for the belated birthday greeting.
It's a great feeling to be in this fifth decade of my life, so I think I'll just leave the skydiving alone. In fact, you've definitely talked me out of it!
Happy Belated Birthday my dear U-Turn sister! That's right, you're an August girl too, no wonder we're like sisters!
Funny, my Joel lately has been saying, "Just living the life... Just living the life." Hmm... I wonder who's had an impact on me? (smile)
Love ya!
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